Family to Family Support Programs for the Caregivers of Schizophrenia Patients: A Systematic Review


2011 22(4): 255-265
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Aim: This systematic review aims to analyze the family to family support programs provided for the families of the schizophrenic patients and there potential impact on caregivers.

Method: The family to family support programs described by articles in Pubmed, Ovid, Cinahl, Wiley Interscience and Cochrane databases were reviewed. The database research was conducted in English using 5 keywords. Twelve studies were identified using this approach and are included in this review.

Findings: The caregivers who participated in the family to family support programs reported a significant decrease in their burden and increase in social support and family function. Moreover, it was noted that there was an increase in life satisfaction and a decrease in the need for education of the caregivers who participated in the programs.

Results:  All studies included in this review agreed that family to family support programs for the caregivers of schizophrenia patients had positive outcomes. Additionally, these studies suggested that systematic, planned and sustainable educational programs be developed for the caregivers of schizophrenic patients in order to help the caregivers cope with the challenges they encounter during the treatment procedures.